Look what I found! 07/10/2009

  • The texts that students interact with have rapidly expanded from the days when the only definition of a text was a print-based book or magazine. While students interact with a range of print, visual, and sound texts, they do not always recognize that these many documents are texts. By creating an inventory of personal texts, students begin to consciously recognize the many literacy demands in contemporary society. With this start, they create a working definition of literacy that they refine and explore as they continue their investigation of the texts that they interact with at home, at school, and in other settings.

    tags: literacy, readwritethink, technology, media, teaching, lessonplans, reading

  • Thinkfinity Literacy Network delivers free, top-quality online educational resources for literacy instruction and lifelong learning for adults and family literacy programs. The content on TLN strengthens literacy development, creativity and critical thinking skills for success in the 21st Century.

    tags: literacy, resources, lessons, literature, professionaldevelopment

  • ARTSEDGE — the National Arts and Education Network — supports the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum and advocates creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience. ARTSEDGE empowers educators to teach in, through, and about the arts by providing the tools to develop interdisciplinary curricula that fully integrate the arts with other academic subjects.

    ARTSEDGE offers free, standards-based teaching materials for use in and out of the classroom, as well as professional development resources, student materials, and guidelines for arts-based instruction and assessment.

    tags: art, artsedge, multimedia

  • SmartBean helps responsible parents raise smart kids. We make available high quality resources and information to empower parents in their decision making on all aspects of K-12 education and holistic development of a 21st century child.

    tags: parents, smartbean, Education, resource

  • Wouldn’t it be great to invite authors into your classroom or library to video chat with students before, during, and/or after you’ve read their books? We are growing a list of authors who want to make that connection with you. See the alphabetical list in the scrolling author box on the left. Read on to find out just how easy it is!

    tags: skype, author, collaboration, books, literacy, classroom, english, languagearts, reading

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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