Daily Digital Discoveries 04/18/2012

  • Google Digital Literacy Tour
    iKeepSafe is dedicated to the education of families on how to stay safe online. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Google to develop curriculum that educators can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible digital citizen.
    The curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities. Each workshop contains a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson and animated videos to help frame the conversation.

    tags: digital literacy safety digital citizenship digital

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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2 thoughts on “Daily Digital Discoveries 04/18/2012

  1. Hi Dianne,

    My name is Miranda Bounds and I am an EDM310 student at the University of South Alabama. Thank you for posting the iKeepSafe link. I was approached today by a teacher, who is very leery about using technology, such as blogs, in her classroom. One of her main concerns was safety for her students and safety concerns of the parents. I will pass this website along to her. I hope to see more teachers in my community take that leap “outside” of the box and integrate effective technology skills in the classroom.


  2. Hey Diane! My name is Sarah Clever and I am also a student at the University of South Alabama in EDM 310. Recently, I did a blog post on this exact same thing! I think that a curriculum DOES need to be developed so that teachers can become “responsible digital citizens.” I really love the way that you phrase that and I’m so glad and thankful you posted this! It will definitely help me in my future classroom!

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