I’m Back!… ?…..

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Well, as expected, I haven’t been keeping up with this blog.. but here’s whats been going on with me…

I’m back to work of course and things are going well. It’s been an ok year so far, not too hard. I really like my students this year and that is always a plus. I’ve had many college recommendations to write this year, more than ever. I really do like writing them but they take so long! I still feel flattered when students ask me to write one for them. Other school stuff is going ok too. I am going to be a co-presenter at a conference in a few weeks and that is a lot of work, but we’re getting there. I created the Power Point for it but I have to get my act together on what exactly I will be talking about. I still have 3 more days… 🙂

I got contact lenses! That’s the big news in my life right now. They are still new – I got them 4 days ago- but it’s going ok. They are going to take some getting used to, thats for sure.

Benjamin is awesome. He is saying new words and phrases everyday. He is also gaining new perspective on things and starting to mentally put things together. He knows that he is “Ben” and now everything is Ben’s… Ben’s seat, Ben’s shoes, Ben’s food, etc. So cute! He can count up to 20 and puts together 4-5 words sentences all the time. His favorite thing to do is boss me around 😛 Mama sit! Mama get down and play! Mama juice! And of course, Dada is his favorite person in the whole world!

Well, that’s me for now.. lets see if I get back within 3 months!

Going Back to School

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So it’s about 2 weeks now that I need to go back to work. It’s strange because it’s like something “clicked” in my brain and now I realise it so my brain is in teacher mode. I’m now thinking of a thousand things I could do differently this year. Part of being a teacher is adjusting and changing to make things better for the students. So, the start of the year is a great time to try somthing new and make changes to established routines.

One thing I know I do well for sure at my job is being organized. The main reason why I’m so organized is because I get really stressed out if I’m not. I just don’t know how disorganized teachers get by 😛 There is so much paperwork, emails, phone calles, lesson plans, seating charts, etc etc that you have paper everywhere in addition to the files and emails on your computer. Oh, and voicemail too. Not to mention the 12o or so students I need to teach 🙂 Anyways, as I tell my students, organization is the key to success.

That being said, of course I’m thinking about better ways to organize. I took my posters down off the walls in June which I hadn’t done for 2 summers. I have a LOT of posters and stuff from France and Quebec that I hang up too. I need to rethink where it all should go! But, this is fun for me, so I’m not complaining. The start of the school year is a nice refreshing start every time. But then comes the rest of the year…

My goal for today is to go in for a few hours with Benjamin and get started. I only have 2 weeks left!!


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Let me just tell you a little about the history of my hair. When I was little my hair was short and curly with a perm, given by my mom. As I got older, I had a little more say in my hair-do but still continued to get perms as per the advice of my mom. Middle school- awful 80s cuts, usually permed, trying to be Madonna. In high school I yearned to have long hair but did not have the patience. I tried many different cuts, colors, curliness, but never long. In college I continued with my experimentation with hair styles, dying, highlighting, cutting myself, etc. But again, never long. Finally, after graduation from college and as life got busier, my hair got longer. No more perms either. Well, I did get one perm with longer hair, but regretted it and hated waiting for it to grow out.

I have been growing my hair pretty much from that time until last year. Before I got my hair cut to my shoulders last fall, my hair was all one length, brown, to the middle of my back. When I cut it to my shoulders, I dyed it myself auburn, and that’s the look I have now, except not so auburn since the dye has faded/grown out.

Every single time I’ve gotten my hair cut that I remember has been at a SuperCuts quality place- Hair Cuttery, Holiday, Super Cuts, etc. – all the same – cheap haircut place. So, today, I decided that I’m going to take my all one length brown shoulder-length hair to a fancy schmancy salon and see what they come up with. I just got off the phone and I’m going tomorrow at 5 for a color consultation and cut! Wish me luck!

A healthy baby boy at Burger King

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Today I took Benjamin for his 2 year medical checkup. Overall, he’s healthy and growing great – Yay! He was a good boy in the office until the doctor came in the little room. He was ok at first but once he started touching him the volume rose a few notches. Overall he was great though, and no shots!

Afterwards I took him to Burger King for lunch – they have a huge indoor playground/climbing thing. We ate first – I got him a chicken nuggets kids meal. He ate the fries, I ate the chicken. Well, I should say, he ate the ketchup. He loves to dip the fries in the ketchup and then suck the ketchup off, over and over. The fry usually never gets eaten. Instead, it gets discarded into the container and a crunchier fry takes its place as ketchup utensil 😛

After we ate, we checked out the playground/climbing Benjamintrap. It is designed so children can climb up and get stuck up there. It is also designed to be too small for parents to fit up inside it comfortably. Needless to say, but Benjamin happily climbed up the steps inside it, got scared, and “forgot” how to turn around and climb back down. He was inside it standing at the top looking at me through this small hole, holding his arms out to me. I tried to coax him down but no go. So up I go, climbing up inside this thing that’s too small for me to climb in. But up I went and I got him. He was happy to see me but still too scared to go back down. It was a bit of a struggle but we made it! I think I’ll skip Burger King next time 😛