Daily Digital Discoveries 07/07/2010

  • A nice overview of Diigo: how to bookmark, annote, share web resources

    tags: youtube diigo tools web2.0 tutorial

  • “Summer is a time when many of us are thinking about and planning professional development workshops for our schools and for other schools. I’ve always found that a short 3-5 minute video can be a good introduction to a PD sessions and or make for a nice thought-provoking break during a PD session. Here are seven videos that I think serve those purposes well.”

    tags: technology videos education

  • “Contrary to popular opinion, newer teachers aren’t any more likely to use technology in their lessons than veteran teachers, and a lack of access to technology does not appear to be the main reason why teachers do not use it: These are among the common perceptions about education technology that new research from Walden University’s Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership appears to dispel.”

    tags: 21stcenturyskills research technology k12 education

    • Contrary to popular opinion, newer teachers aren’t any more likely to use technology in their lessons than veteran teachers, and a lack of access to technology does not appear to be the main reason why teachers do not use it: These are among the common perceptions about education technology that new research from Walden University’s Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership appears to dispel.
    • There could be two reasons for this, Knezek added: Either they are coming out of teacher preparation programs unprepared to integrate technology effectively, or they’re entering a school environment where they’re not encouraged to do so.
    • Another finding that could surprise some people is that a lack of access to technology doesn’t appear to be the main reason why teachers don’t use technology in their instruction
    • it is clear that frequent technology use is associated with greater emphasis on and perceived benefits of 21st-century skills.”

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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One thought on “Daily Digital Discoveries 07/07/2010

  1. Wow! I never really realized it was so true, but as I reflect on the teachers I work with, I agree. The newer teachers are not the front runners in utilizing technology. It seems to range pretty evenly across the board. Thanks for pointing this out!

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