Daily Digital Discoveries 08/30/2010

  • In this workshop she was presenting an idea to help elementary teachers develop science fair project—a mini-science fair poster. This idea involved the used of a trifolded piece of 11″ x 17″ paper. The teachers were inputting their “required” science fair heading with post-it notes. Revision was a breeze. The teachers learned the importance of brevity with completion. They added graphs and images by gluing their graph to a small post-it. It was all so tidy, so elegant, so inviting, I probably stared a little long, struck dumb by the simplicity of the mini-poster. Once I came to my senses I realized that the mini-poster was my answer–a way to incorporate authentic peer review, formative assessment in my science classes.

    tags: science elementary socialstudies english languagearts posters miniposters

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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One thought on “Daily Digital Discoveries 08/30/2010

  1. I like the idea of using a trifolded piece of 11″ x 17″ paper as a science fair poster because this would be much easier for my PreK students to work with. More so, a poster this size would encourage both hand-ons participation and state requirements from the students. As mentioned, it would be much easier to work with or familiarize the students with a few times a year in preparation for the main science fair project.

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