Built for tweens, Everloop is the next step beyond social networking, to what we call social looping. Tweens really shouldn’t be on open, social networks. Everloop’s “social looping” platform – the first of its kind — creates a privacy loop around kids’ connections. It’s totally free. And kids are free from anonymous intruders. They can participate in collaborative learning and school projects, share information about their sports teams and clubs, play games, customize their profile pages, and communicate in real time with friends they know who are part of their loop.
There is so much negativity around kids and their online behavior. But we all know that good things come from collaborating with each other, sharing information, and connecting with people who have the same interests we have. So at Everloop, we’re recognizing that kids want to be online, and our goal is to get kids’ online time focused on connecting with a purpose. Through the partnerships we’re signing, Everloop will be the platform kids groups use to actively promote, entertain, and inform. Loaded with educational resources, entertainment opportunities, and apps, we’ll foster content sharing, innovation, and entrepreneurial development. All within a private loop.
As kids interests grow, their loops can intersect with other loops – but never without the knowledge of their parents, who have their own console login and can monitor behavior at whatever level they decide is appropriate for their children. They are always informed before a child tries to expand his or her loop, and they are always in control.
Create Animations, Make Friends | DoInk.com
About DoInk
What is it?DoInk is a place to enjoy art and animation, and make your own. Have a great idea, but can’t draw? No problem. Are you an amazing artist, and want to share your talent with the world? We love you. You can do both? There’s an audience here for you! So if you want to be entertained, learn something new, or create something fun, do it on DoInk.
This is very informing to me. I have never heard of “everloop” before and it sounds very interesting. I like the fact that this site provided the security purposes and it have so many activities. As you quoted “Everloop will be the platform kids groups use to actively promote, entertain, and inform. Loaded with educational resources, entertainment opportunities, and apps, we’ll foster content sharing, innovation, and entrepreneurial development. All within a private loop.” I think this is a great opportunity for children to interact with one another in a efficient way and educated by using this rather children go online to play games and random stuff which doesn’t benefit them.
DoInk: I have never heard or use this site before but this is a a great site for children. We can do simple & friendly vector editor
create flash-style animations use community art & your own post to YouTube and Facebook download your art. I have two younger sisters and they love it! This site provide the creativity for children worldwide especially if there’s nothing for them to do. It’s fun and creative!
Thank you for providing this information.
Hoan Nguyen
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Hi Ms. Dianne! Just like Hoan, I’ve never heard of DoInk and Everloop. We are all looking for the ‘appropriate’ space for our tweens,thanks for sharing your discoveries.